Detective Chief superintendent David Cook (left) was allegedly under surveillance by News of the World during an investigation into the murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan (right)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

#DanielMorgan : Latest press release


Met Acting Commissioner declines to answer questions about
News of the World surveillance of murder investigator

Acting Commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Tim Godwin, today declined to answer questions put by the family of murdered private investigator Daniel Morgan. The questions concerned surveillance by NotW journalists of Detective Chief Superintendent David Cook and his family in 2002, whilst Mr. Cook was investigating the notorious 1987 axe-murder.
The issue was raised at a meeting in New Scotland Yard between Rebekah Brooks (then editor of NotW), the Met’s Director of Public Affairs, Dick Fedorcio, Cdr. AndrĂ© Baker and D.C.S. Cook in January 2003.

“Mrs. Brooks was affected by a loss of memory about the meeting when examined recently by a Commons Select Committee” said Daniel Morgan’s brother Alastair today.
The questions were top of the agenda at today’s meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority.

In response to a question put by the family’s representative Jennette Arnold, the Commissioner replied that there had been some media publicity about the meeting and that he had asked Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick to look into this. Issues arising from the meeting were currently the subject of investigations by Operations Weeting and Elveden.

“We were disappointed that we couldn’t get any concrete answers” said Alastair Morgan. “Now we’ll have to wait for answers. We are becoming increasingly concerned over recent revelations of close relationships between senior journalists at NotW and two of the defendants in the recently collapsed murder prosecution.
On 31st March this year, the family received a public apology from Mr. Godwin over police corruption in the first investigation into Daniel Morgan’s murder. The Metropolitan Police Authority then voted unanimously in support of a the family’s call for a full judicial inquiry into the police’s handling of the murder.

Please see below for the questions the family put to Mr. Godwin.

Contact details:

Alastair Morgan: 020 7608 3124

Mobile: 07917 698 109


Twitter @AlastairMorgan!/profile.php?id=100002666422343

Friday, July 29, 2011

Daniel #Morgan :The complete page from the Metropolitan Police Authority's website.

The murder of Daniel Morgan

Report: 10

Date: 27 October 2005

By: Chief Executive and Clerk

This report invites the Authority to consider whether it wishes to take steps in support of the Morgan family to investigate further into the events surrounding and subsequent to the murder of Daniel Morgan in 1987.
A. Recommendation
That the Authority decides whether it agrees to the proposals set out in paragraph 16 of this report.
B. Supporting information
The murder of Daniel Morgan
1. The following is a brief summary of the murder of Daniel Morgan and subsequent events. It does not reflect the complexities of this case or a number of the personalities involved. Nor can it do justice to the deep concerns that his family have about flaws in the conduct of the investigations into the murder and allegations that they have made publicly that police officers were involved in the murder itself.

2. In 1987 private investigator Daniel Morgan was murdered with an axe in a pub car park in Sydenham, south east London. At the time he was the business partner of Jonathan Rees in a company of private investigators called Southern Investigations. Jonathan Rees was regarded as the principal suspect. The primary motive was considered to be the circumstances surrounding a robbery at a Car Auction premises a year earlier.

3. Jonathan Rees undertook to provide security for the auctions, employing his brothers-in-law and three serving police officers, one of whom was DS Sidney Fillery. On 18 March 1986 the auction’s takings were stolen in circumstances that led Belmont Auctions to conclude that Mr Rees had engineered the theft. As a result they sued Mr Rees and Mr Morgan through the civil courts. This caused a major breakdown in the relationship between the two partners and the MPS investigation team believed that this led to the murder.

4. Detective Superintendent Douglas Campbell led the MPS investigation team. Because the murder had occurred in the Catford police areas where he worked, DS Fillery was seconded to the murder squad. He failed to inform Mr Campbell of his association with Mr Rees or of his involvement with the Belmont incident. In addition he undertook a search of the offices of Southern Investigations, allegedly removing a file relating to the Belmont Auctions work that was never seen by the investigation team. As soon as his role in the incident was discovered he was removed from the squad but Mr Campbell’s view was that he had already fundamentally undermined the investigation.

5. In April 1987 Mr Rees, DS Fillery and the other two officers were arrested upon suspicion of being involved in the murder. All were later released uncharged.
6. In the following months there were rumours and allegations of high level police corruption and Masonic links surrounding the investigation but no charges resulted.

7. In April 1988 an inquest jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing. Daniel Morgan’s family complained to the Police Complaints Authority about the conduct of the investigation and in June 1988 the Head of Hampshire CID undertook a review of the MPS investigation. His conclusion was that there was no evidence to suggest that police had been involved and that in his opinion Mr Rees had arranged the murder. Mr Rees was charged with this offence but the Director of Public Prosecutions subsequently discontinued the prosecution for lack of evidence.

8. In March 1988 Mr Fillery was medically discharged from the MPS and took Daniel Morgan’s place as Mr Rees’ partner at Southern Investigations.

9. In 1999 the MPS Anti-Corruption Command carried out a further investigation of Mr Rees’ and Mr Fillery’s alleged corrupt activities, together with the murder of Daniel Morgan. This found little evidence in relation to the murder but evidence of significant corruption. In addition, evidence was found of a conspiracy to plant cocaine on a young mother on behalf of her husband in order to win a custody battle for their child. As a result, in December 2000 Rees and the husband were sentenced to six years imprisonment, later increased to seven years on appeal.

10. The MPS Murder Review Group conducted a review of all available evidence and intelligence in 2001, followed by a focused re-investigation of the murder. This resulted in a report to the Crown Prosecution Service recommending that charges should be laid against various people. However, counsel’s advice recommended that no charges should be pursued.

11. The current situation is that the murder is not being actively investigated but the case has not been closed. There therefore remains the chance that evidence may be forthcoming in the future that could lead to a prosecution and care should be taken not to prejudice this.

12. From the outset, Daniel Morgan’s brother Alastair and other members of the family have consistently raised concerns over the police handling of this case (including the way that Hampshire Constabulary reviewed the first investigation) as well as alleging police officer involvement in the murder itself and subsequent collusion and cover up to a high level within the MPS. This case has been the subject of a great deal of media coverage over the years. The family’s views are also represented on the website [1].

13. The family have received support over the years from MPs – including 57 MPs signing an Early Day Motion calling for a public judicial inquiry - and have met with the then Home Secretary, Jack Straw and more recently Hazel Blears. They have not, however, been successful so far in their main aim of getting agreement to the holding of a public inquiry into all the events surrounding this case.
The family’s approach to the MPA

14. The family sought a meeting with Jennette Arnold, as their local MPA representative, and a meeting was subsequently held on 19 May 2005 between Jennette and Len Duvall, the Chair of the Authority, on behalf of the MPA, Alastair Morgan and other members of the family and supporting MPS. At this meeting Alastair Morgan and other family members briefed Len Duvall and Jennette Arnold on the events surrounding the case and their detailed concerns and reasons why they see a public inquiry as essential to restore confidence in the police and the criminal justice system.
15. The Chair undertook to reflect on the issues raised by the family and in what way the MPA might be able or prepared to act in the case towards securing a comprehensive account of what happened in the various investigations and a critique of the investigations. This would also give them support in their campaign. A further meeting with the family was held on 27 June at which the Chair outlined ways in which the MPA might be able and prepared to take action. Correspondence followed between the Chair, Alastair Morgan and the family’s solicitor. The Chair also discussed the position with the MPS at a senior level. The Deputy Chief Executive & Solicitor has also met with Alastair Morgan and the family’s solicitor to explore the options in more detail.


16. It is the Chair’s view that although this murder took place some 18 years ago, there are a number of unanswered questions which must continue to cast doubt on the integrity of the police service. He considers that an independent review, with a focused brief, would be a constructive and necessary way forward. On the basis of the Chair’s discussions with the family the following steps are therefore proposed:
•Under Section 22 (3) of the Police Act 1996, for the MPA to require the Commissioner to submit a Report to the Authority on the murder of Daniel Morgan and the subsequent investigations of that crime. The proposed commissioning brief for this report is set out in the appendix to this report. The Commissioner would be asked to prepare the report to be considered at the January 2006 meeting of the Authority in public session. The Report would be shared with the Morgan family and their comments obtained so that the Authority could consider those as well.

•Following consideration of the Commissioner’s report, and in the light of comments from the family, the MPA will engage a barrister to independently review all the case papers in relation to the murder and all subsequent investigations. The barrister would be asked to produce a comprehensive appraisal of the several investigations and the various decisions by police and prosecuting authorities and to comment generally on the conduct of the investigations, and in particular to advise whether the case papers

a.Point to conclusions other than those reached by the most recent MPS review of the investigation

b.Indicate police corruption/collusion or involvement in either the murder itself or the subsequent failure of investigations

c.Provide sufficient grounds to justify any prosecution

d.Raise issues that could best be pursued through a public inquiry (for instance because of the power to summon witnesses) and what risks might flow from such an inquiry in relation to prospective prosecutions

The terms of reference of this review may be refined in the light of the Report by the Commissioner, taking account of views of the family of the deceased and the MPA.
The family of the deceased and the MPS will have opportunity to make written and oral submissions to the QC, and the MPS will be expected to respond to requests from the QC for further information.

This review would be conducted wholly in private. The QC’s report would be made available to the family of the deceased.

Comments of the Deputy Chief Executive and Solicitor to the Authority

17. The Authority has no functions in relation to the investigation of the crime as such, or in relation to decisions whether or not to prosecute. Those are matters for the Commissioner and the prosecuting authority respectively.
However, in pursuing its responsibilities to secure effective and efficient policing, and to hold the Commissioner to account for the performance of the MPS, the Authority has a legitimate interest in receiving an explanation from the Commissioner of MPS’ actions in the case. The Authority has the power to require a report from the Commissioner about past matters as well as present ones, and the power to obtain independent legal advice to assist it to come to a view on the conduct of the investigations as a matter of performance and learning.

The Authority does not have control of any of the papers relating to the investigations. The independent review by a barrister, as envisaged here, can only take place effectively with the full co-operation of the MPS in making documentation and evidential material available to the barrister in confidence. From discussions with the Deputy Commissioner and other Senior Officers it is understood that the MPS will give its co-operation.


18. The Authority is therefore asked to decide whether it wishes to proceed in the way set out in paragraph 16. If agreed, the Authority would expect to receive the Commissioner’s report at its January 2006 meeting, unless there were compelling reasons why this would not be possible. At this stage the Authority is being asked for an in principle decision in relation to an independent case review, pending an assessment of its likely scale and scope which will be informed by the contents of the Commissioner’s report. Every effort will be made to contain the costs of the review within reasonable limits by focusing on the key questions whilst ensuring that the thoroughness of the review is not prejudiced.
C. Race and equality impact
There are no implications at this stage.

D. Financial implications
There are no financial implications at this stage, in that the Authority is being asked to make an in principle decision on an independent review. However, there would be significant financial implications if such a review was agreed and these would be addressed in a subsequent report.

E. Background papers

■Letter from the Chair of the Authority to Alastair Morgan, July 2005

F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile
For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202

Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18
Letter from MPA Chief Executive & Clerk to Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis regarding the murder of Daniel Morgan

(this letter was sent after the full Authority meeting held on 27 October 2005 at which this report was presented)
3 November 2005

Sir Ian Blair, QPM, MA

Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis

New Scotland Yard
Dear Ian,

The murder of Daniel Morgan

As you know, the full Authority meeting last week considered whether it wished to take steps in support of the Morgan family in relation to the events surrounding and subsequent to the murder of Daniel Morgan in 1987.

Members decided, under Section 22 (3) of the Police Act 1996, to ask you to submit a report to the Authority, the commissioning brief for which is attached. This commissioning brief attempts to capture the concerns expressed by the Morgan family and I need to make it clear, therefore, that its wording does not imply that the Authority has formed any views about the several investigations of this murder in advance of receiving your report.

The Authority agreed to receive your report at its meeting on 26 January 2006. The Chair has undertaken to give the Morgan family sight of the report in sufficient time to allow them to submit written comments to Authority members. This suggests, therefore that your report should be completed, or substantially completed, by the end of December. I would be grateful if you could alert me at the earliest opportunity if this is not going to be possible, with your estimate of the timescale required for completion of a suitably comprehensive report.
The Authority intends to take your report in open session. I am, however, concerned to ensure that we do not prejudice any possibility of securing future convictions for this murder. Therefore, I would similarly welcome an early discussion if there are specific aspects that may need to be treated as exempt information. I would, however, expect the whole report to be made available to the Morgan family.

Following consideration of your report, and in the light of comments from the family, the MPA will consider whether to engage a barrister to conduct a thorough but focussed review of case papers in relation to the murder and the subsequent investigations. In the meantime, David Riddle will consult with AC Brown and David Hamilton as part of the MPA’s consideration of the practical, legal and cost implications, and of a shortlist of Counsel who might be approached.
Yours sincerely

Catherine Crawford

Chief Executive & Clerk to the Authority
Appendix 1

Commissioning brief for a report to the Authority - issued by MPA pursuant to Section 22(3) of the Police Act 1996

To report on the murder of Daniel Morgan and the subsequent investigations of that crime, and specifically on:
1. the murder and the circumstances surrounding the murder

2. the first investigation of the murder carried out by the MPS – giving a comprehensive account of the investigation and its weakness including the possibility of the investigation being compromised and specifically covering
•the role of ex PS Sidney Fillery in that investigation: and
•the extent to which other police officers were amongst those who sought to protect him

3. The Coroner’s inquest and verdict, including in particular the extent to which the inquiry was necessarily reliant upon the products of the first MPS investigation and therefore crippled by any identified weaknesses in that investigation (not least in relation to forensic evidence relating to the murder weapon and the integrity of the crime scene)
4. The further investigation by Hampshire Police, addressing in particular
•The extent to which the terms of reference of the investigation were changed whereby its focus was shifted away from its original purpose of investigating police involvement in the deceased’s murder; and
•The extent to which the report of the investigation to the PCA on the question of police involvement in the murder was misleading in its findings, not least in relation to forensic evidence relating to the murder weapon and the integrity of the crime scene.

5. Subsequent reviews and re-investigation by the MPS, addressing in particular the circumstances in which the third investigation (The Two Bridges Inquiry) was conducted almost entirely without the knowledge of the deceased’s family until it came to be aborted.
6. The extent of police corruption as it related to the murder of Daniel Morgan and the subsequent investigation

7. The current status of the inquiry

8. The lessons learned by the MPS from this case
The Commissioner’s report will be made available to the family of the deceased.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Operation Motorman

Earlier this year I corresponded with the Observer in relation to Operation Motorman and the systemic obtaining of illegally acquired personal information by my preferred Sunday newspaper. My concerns and correspondence are gathered here with other blog posts relating to Motorman. Further to a column by the readers’ editor – partly in response to my correspondence and linked to below – I added a series of comments and questions on The Observer website. They were not responded to. I have this evening written formally seeking a response. I will keep readers here advised of any response.

The terms of my correspondence with the readers’ editor of The Observer follow:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hackgate scandal: Timetable of the days events..

Freemasons in the police

Daniel Morgan it is alleged had a deep concern for Freemasons in the MET and how they fed on corruption , an allegation Daniel took to his grave.

Published January 1997 Today the Guardian publishes for the first time what we believe is a unique photograph. It pierces the wall of secrecy which surrounds one of Britain’s most mysterious organisations by revealing a large gathering of London policemen wearing the white gloves, embroidered sashes and lambskin aprons of the worshipful order of freemasonry.

At the time that the picture was taken, these 60 men were members of Masonic Lodge number 9179, known as the Manor of St James, which was founded eleven years ago, on January 27 1986, for the exclusive use of Scotland Yard officers who had worked in the West End of London. The picture, which has been leaked to the Guardian by non-Masonic Metropolitan police officers, appears to have been taken at one of their inaugural meetings and includes men who then occupied some of the most powerful jobs in the force.
Since April 1985, when Sir Kenneth Newman was Commissioner, Scotland Yard have been advising their officers to stay away from the lodges. According to The Principles of Policing, which was produced under Sir Kenneth: “The discerning officer will probably consider it wise to forgo the prospect of pleasure and social advantage in freemasonry so as to enjoy the unreserved regard of all those around him. It follows from this that one who is already a freemason would also be wise to ponder from time to time whether he should continue as a freemason.”

And yet the Manor of St James is still active. On Monday of this week, a Guardian photographer caught dozens of former and serving police officers as they made their way through the crowded pavements of St James’s Street, off Picadilly. Wearing dinner jackets and carrying their Masonic regalia in flat black brief cases, they converged on number 86, an imposing sandstone building which looks like any of the gentleman’s clubs around the corner, in Pall Mall, but which is in fact the site of a Masonic temple.

Inside, they gathered to hold their annual ritual to install a London policeman as the new master of the lodge, to elect other police officers as their stewards, tylers and almoners, and to consider the names of prospective new members, all of them drawn from the past and present ranks of the Metropolitan Police, all of them willing to be blindfolded with a noose around their neck and a dagger to their heart while they are warned that if they break their vows of secrecy and loyalty, they will have their throats cut and their tongues torn out by the root. And then, until late into the night, they dined together.

The leaking of the photograph co-incides with new efforts by politicians and senior police officers to meet public concern about the role of freemasons in law-enforcement. Masons insist that they are misunderstood and that their organisation stands for service to “our God, our country and our laws”. Critics fear that the secrecy of the organisation and its stern oaths of “mutual defence and support” conflict with a police officer’s need to be seen to apply the law impartially.

The Police Complaints Authority, which says its own ranks are free of masons, is pressing for a new law to compel police masons to declare their membership on a register of interests. Last October, the Association of Chief Police Officers, ACPO, supported the move. And today (Jan 29), the House of Commons Select Committee on Home Affairs continues its own inquiry into the issue, taking evidence from ACPO as well as from the Police Federation, which represents lower ranks and which is fighting for the status quo. Until now, the issue has been as secretive as it has been controversial.

The evidence of the membership of the Manor of St James is that freemasonry reaches high into the command structure of the Metropolitan Police. Among the founder members of the lodge was Gilbert Kelland, who was in charge of all of London’s three thousand detectives when he was the Assistant Commissioner for Crime from 1977 to 1984. He is pictured here in his regalia, in the third row back, three from the right.

Among his worshipful brothers who joined the lodge, in spite of Sir Kenneth’s request, are two Deputy Assistant Commissioners, Peter Nievens and Edgar Maybanks; twelve commanders, including George Churchill-Coleman and Jim Neville, both of whom headed the Anti Terrorist Squad, and Malcolm Campbell, who was the head of Scotland Yard’s intelligence branch; John Cass, who was a Scotland Yard commander before becoming co-ordinator for the nation’s regional crime squads; at least two dozen chief superintendents; a dozen superintendents; and more than a score from the lower ranks.

One of the few officers in the lodge who did take Sir Kenneth’s advice is Tony Speed, who is now the Assistant Commissioner for Central London. He said last week that he had followed his father and grandfather into the Craft, joining his first lodge when he was 21. “There was no furore about it in those days and I have to say that in something like 20 years as a mason I never came across anything that made me feel ashamed or that I felt was wrong. But then about ten years ago, the public perception began to change and we were advised that we should reconsider our position and so, simply because of this problem of perception, I resigned.”

Most of his colleagues in the lodge did not see it that way. Malcolm Campbell is still serving as a commander and has not resigned from the lodge but says that he no longer attends its functions. Many of the others in the picture are now retired although sources who know the Manor of St James say they have been joined by a steady stream of serving officers.

Martin Short, author of the most detailed account of modern British freemasonry, Inside The Brotherhood, estimates that 20% of London officers belong to Masonic lodges. He says there is cause for concern about this and in December, he gave evidence to the Select Committee inquiry of a case he had researched recently in Lancashire which, he told them, “demonstrates just how badly the administration of justice can go wrong when police, Crown Prosecution solicitors and private citizens are all in the same Masonic lodge.”

This story began one night in 1988 when two Leicester businessmen were taking a late-night drink in a hotel in Blackburn. A group of burly strangers in dinner jackets ordered them out of the bar. The Leicester men declined to go. The strangers then announced that they were policemen and proceeded to beat them up. They then called other police who arrested the two Leicester men and charged them with assaulting police officers. When the Leicester men were released on bail the next morning, they found that the hotel manager had seized their belongings until they agreed to pay for damage caused by the fight and that someone had let all the air out of their car tyres and removed their hub caps.

The Blackburn police and Crown prosecutors pursued the case to court, where the two Leicester men faced substantial jail sentences for allegedly assaulting policemen. But the case fell apart. The jury rejected all of the police evidence and found that the Leicester businessmen were not guilty of any offence at all. The judge signalled his own view by taking the unusual step of ordering that the defendants’ costs should be paid out of the public purse. The two men then sued for assault, wrongful arrest, malicious prosecution, conspiracy to injure and libel. In an out-of-court settlement, they were awarded £170,000, most of which was paid on behalf of the policemen by the Lancashire force.

Martin Short told the Select Committee that freemasonry was at the heart of this case. The two Leicester men had stumbled into the tail-end of a Masonic event, a dinner organised by the Victory lodge of Blackburn. This lodge, said Short, is dominated by police officers: the policemen who were involved in the original fight, the officer who subsequently investigated the incident, a senior official in the Crown Prosecution office which handled the case, and the manager of the hotel where the dinner took place were all members of the Victory lodge.

No-one is suggesting that all Masonic officers are corrupt or even liable to become corrupt. However, in the past, there have been occasions when Masonic lodges have acted as nests of corruption, where detectives have rubbed shoulders with professional criminals in an atmosphere of friendship and loyalty with disastrous results.

When Scotland Yard’s Obscene Publications Squad was destroyed by scandal in the late 1960s, twelve officers were jailed for taking bribes from pornographers. All of them were masons, including the head of the squad, Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody, who had even helped one of the pornographers he was supposed to be arresting to become a member of his own lodge.

On the other side of the argument, there have been high-profile examples of Masonic officers fighting corruption. During the Operation Countryman inquiry in the 1980s, it was a Masonic detective chief superintendent, John Simmons, who secretly tape-recorded his brother mason, Detective Chief Inspector Phil Cuthbert, boasting of his villainy and of the involvement of other senior officers in taking bribes and setting up armed robberies. However, Simmons was later ostracised by his lodge, while Cuthbert continued to be welcomed, even after he had been convicted and jailed for three years.

Some of the most angry critics of freemasonry are police officers who do not belong to the lodges.

They fear that masons may promote brother officers and conceal each other’s wrong doing and that, on occasion, they might abuse their internal powers to discipline troublesome non-masonic officers.

One serving Metropolitan Police detective said: “This is a secret society at the heart of Scotland Yard. I have no doubt that some masons use the lodges to get their way and this is not acceptable for the public or for the police service as a whole.” The Police Complaints Authority says that some officers have approached them privately to voice their concerns about some masonic colleagues.

One non-masonic officer says he reported to his commander that colleagues had invented a fictitious informer so that they could claim reward money for crimes which they solved and then share it among themselves.

He claims that he was moved sideways while his colleagues were allowed to carry on and that he subsequently discovered that the corrupt officers and the commander were all “on the square”. Another claims to have heard a superintendent boasting that he was recruiting a new officer to his squad and that he was shortlisting only masons.

The Police Complaints Authority has run into problems with masonic officers. On one occasion a man complained that he had been charged as the result of a masonic conspiracy. He then discovered that the superintendent who was investigating his complaint was himself a mason. The superintendent resigned and was replaced by a second officer who also turned out to be a mason. On another occasion, a provincial Chief Constable simply refused to ask whether one of his officers, who was looking into allegations about masons, was himself a member of a lodge.

Masons played a prominent part in the demise of John Stalker, the former Deputy Chief Constable of Manchester who tried to unravel a cover-up of political shootings in Northern Ireland and in the case of the Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Brian Woolard, who found evidence that his career had been blighted by senior masons after he attempted to uncover the role of civilian masons in a fraud. Masonic officers argue that policemen who want to be corrupt can make bad friendships through golf clubs or Round Table dinners, and that the lodges have no special influence.

When Sir Kenneth Newman produced his advice in 1985, his office considered all of the available evidence. The booklet which he produced acknowledged that the lodges offered friendship, a chance to mix with “some of the most distinguished people in the land” and an invitation to self-improvement.

It noted that many of the allegations that were made against them were unsupported or plain wrong. Yet it concluded that some of the allegations were reliable and that the exclusivity of the lodges, the oddness of their rituals and their collection of coded signals amounted to a significant problem.

“They militate against the acceptance, by colleagues and citizens alike, of an officer who is a freemason as a man on whose fairness it is possibly to rely always and unquestionably… A freemason’s oath holds inevitably the implication that loyalty to fellow freemasons may supersede any other loyalty.”

The worshipful brothers of the Manor of St James disagree.

The two sides of the story came face to face late last year when the current Metropolitan Commissioner, Sir Paul Condon, appeared in front of the Select Committee which is investigating freemasonry in law enforcement.

The Commissioner had reassured the committee that all was well but, as he prepared to leave, he was confronted by Chris Mullin, the ebullient Labour MP for Sunderland South, who had acquired his own copy of our photograph. Mullin pulled out the picture and told the Commissioner: “I thought you might like to have a look at your alternative command structure.”

Andy Hayman..The UK'S most bent copper !

Andy Hayman sat before a government home affairs select committee over the phone hacking scandal at the News of the World that he was charged with investigating in 2005 and, despite his barrow-boy-made-good persona and incredulous performance, lied through his teeth. We take a brief look at the history of the most bent copper the UK has produced in some time.

» Head of Met police internal Anti-Corruption branch CIB
» Chief Constable of Norfolk Constabulary
» Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations at London’s Metropolitan Police (which included which include the Anti-Terrorist Branch and Special Branch), the highest ranking officer responsible for counter-terrorism in the UK
» Chairman of Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) drugs subcommittee

Hayman and his resignation from the force [2007]

Hayman resigned from the police in December 2007 over allegations about expense claims and improper conduct with a female member of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and a female Sergeant. He was being investigated by Metropolitan Police Authority professional standards committee about expenses which had been referred to them by auditors because they were significantly higher than those of other senior officers.

Hayman and Jean Charles de Menezes [2005]

The IPCC's report on the assassination of Jean Charles de Menezes in July 2005 exonerated every police officer involved with the killing with sole exception of Andy Hayman. The report found "serious weaknesses" in the Metropolitan Police's handling of information after the shooting. It revealed that Mr Hayman had briefed crime reporters on the day of the shooting that the dead man was not one of the 21st July suspects. However, that information was "deliberately withheld" from a press release he helped to write later on. The IPCC said that Mr Hayman’s actions were a cause of “serious concern” as he “chose to mislead the public by his actions” and referred the issue to the Metropolitan Police Authority with a recommendation that it take disciplinary action against Mr Hayman. Peter Herbert, a member of the authority, said: “I find it incredible and staggering that Andy Hayman claims that he cannot remember what he said . . . on that day, of all days.”

Hayman and the Forest Gate raid [2006]

Two brothers Mohammed Abdulkahar and Abul Koyair were innocent victims of the armed anti-terror raid on their home in Forest Gate, London, where one was shot by police and the other seriously assaulted. They were held for seven days before being released without charge. The police claim to have acted on 'specific intelligence' but never said what that intelligence was or indeed how they got is so wrong. There were 150 allegations by the eleven different people from the two raided houses of police misconduct and excessive physical force. Andy Hayman was in charge of the operation.

Interestingly Newham Monitoring Project were prescient in their assessment of the cover up of the bungled raid: "NMP has also told the Metropolitan Police Authority that if the unofficial briefings that appeared in the press following the Forest Gate raids as police sources were not officially orchestrated, then the Metropolitan Police is guilty of effectively condoning the actions of a small group of police officers who have anonymously fed information to the media in return either for cash, the conducting of inter-agency feuding between the Met and the security services over apportioning blame or simply in order to undermine the accountability of a public service".

Hayman and illegally phone tapping his own officers [1999-2003]

An internal Metropolitan Police investigation was used as cover to listen in to dozens of private phone calls made by officers seeking legal advice from the National Black Police Association (NBPA). The case involved illegal phone taps on Chief Superintendent Ali Dizaei, whom the Met was investigating over corruption charges which proved to be unfounded. The Investigatory Powers Tribunal, headed by a High Court judge, said that the reasons given by the Met to justify recording the private conversations were illegal. It is the first time in British legal history that the reasons used by the police or security services to justify phone tapping have been found to be unlawful. Operation Helios, the £7 million investigation, was under the direct control of Andy Hayman. An inquiry later found it may have been motivated by race.

Hayman and suspects being held for 90 days without charge [2005]

Hayman wrote a report in the form of a letter to the then New Labour Home Secretary Charles Clarke laying out the need to increase detention for terror suspects from 14 days to 90 days. This was another "dodgy dossier" used to justify a political manoeuvre by Blair's government.

Hayman and complaints investigation branch (CIB) [2000]

The Metropolitan police's much vaunted anti-corruption drive, which has been under way for six years, is now itself the subject of three inquiries because of allegations over the way it operates. The inquiries into the (CIB), two of them internal and one by an outside force, have been prompted by complaints that the anti-corruption squad, dubbed the Untouchables, used discredited methods to pursue serving and former officers.

They include entrapment operations; inducements to supergrasses; non-disclosure to the defence of vital documents in court cases; widespread breaches of laws regulating police evidence-gathering procedures; and double standards in the handling of complaints. Andy Hayman, director of the CIB, said it was not able to sustain the current effort and was reassessing its methods.

Hayman said: "We are operating within the criminal justice system but that is difficult because we are right at the cutting edge of policing."
He was keen to "push the parameters" of the system to be ahead of the officers being targeted. Cutting-edge methods used in the past include covert surveillance and bugging - inside homes, offices, squad cars and police stations.
[More about about the corrupt complaints investigation branch]

Hayman and internal investigations (1)

He was subject to two internal investigations in 2007. The first was sparked after complaints that information about a series of anti-terror raids in Birmingham last February was leaked to the media in advance. Mr Hayman's telephone records for the months before and after the raids were scrutinised and he was cleared of any blame. Investigators did, however, find details of the hundreds of 'unexplained' calls between Mr Hayman and the complaints commission official. She has now left the police watchdog and works for the Association of Chief Police Officers.

Hayman and internal investigations (2)

Scotland Yard auditors raised concerns over the £15,000 spent by Mr Hayman on drinks, restaurants, hotels and foreign travel. He strenuously denied the expenses allegations and vowed to clear his name when details of the financial probe emerged. But he decided to retire a month later as the £180,000-a-year head of the unit in charge of the fight against terror.

Hayman and bugging MPs [2005/6]

British Muslim MP Sadiq Khan was bugged during his meetings with constituency member Baber Ahmed - under detention and fighting an extradition request from the US. Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist squad had eavesdropped on conversations between Khan and Ahmad at Woodhill prison, Milton Keynes, in 2005 and 2006 using a microphone hidden in a table. Following an enquiry by the chief surveillance commissioner, Sir Christopher Rose, responsibility for the act was apportioned to the then Met Police Assistant Commissioner Andy Hayman.

Hayman on protesters [2011]

"Unless the police become more proactive in disrupting the activists before the event it will be impossible to ever stage a protest without it being infiltrated by extremist groups. The police must start to be more intrusive and active ahead of any planned illegal demonstration. By ruthlessly testing the open source information that is easily accessed they can start to aggressively target activists".

Hayman and his views on corruption [2010]

In his Sunday Times column about police corruption during his time when he was in charge of Anti-Corruption at the Met:

"It is vital that the police are vigilant against corruption in their ranks".

"But there are lessons for the Met: any skimping in disciplining rogue officers is simply storing up future trouble. The corrupt must be pursued without favour or fear, regardless of the repercussions".

"There is little worse than a bent copper who mocks the law by abusing the privileged powers bestowed on him. It is for that reason that the expense and time spent on prosecuting is justified".

Tomorrow: John Yates - the UK's most bent copper

Dodgy detective made killing from tabloids

Undercover police officers who stole into the premises of Southern Investigations Ltd armed with state-of-the-art bugging devices were under no illusions about the need to ensure that no trace should be left of their visit to the drab private investigator's office on a south London high street.

The team from Scotland Yard's anti-corruption unit were conducting Operation Nigeria, an inquiry begun early in 1999 into the activities of Jonathan Rees, the portly owner of the detective agency who was a suspect in the murder 12 years earlier of his business partner, Daniel Morgan.
The second aim of the investigation was to gather information on Rees and his network of contacts, including bent serving police officers, dedicated to obtaining information, often illegally gathered, for sale to a number of keen and often insatiable customers: newspapers.

An internal police report made clear the calibre of Rees and his accomplices: "They are alert, cunning and devious individuals who have current knowledge of investigative methods and techniques which may be used against them. Such is their level of access to individuals within the police... that the threat of compromise to any conventional investigation against them is constant and very real."

The bug planters nonetheless did their work well. Over the next seven months, detectives chronicled Rees's dealings with a number of Fleet Street titles, including the News of the World, as he provided a steady stream of stories and tit-bits from his contacts.

It was a lucrative trade. Rees was recorded complaining that he was owed £12,000 by one tabloid, but his company's biggest customer was the NOTW, paying up to £150,000 a year. As the private investigator put it: "No one pays like the News of the World do."

Using his roll-call of informants, including bank employees and even a VAT inspector susceptible to bribes, Rees offered his clients the inside track on the arrest of the M25 murderer Kenneth Noye and the sex lives of Buckingham Palace servants.

By September 1999, Operation Nigeria had gathered little evidence on the death of Mr Morgan, but it had recorded Rees plotting to frame Kim James, a former model, by having cocaine planted in her car to allow her estranged husband to win custody of their child. Rees was convicted of the conspiracy at the Old Bailey and sentenced to six years' imprisonment, increased to seven on appeal.

With the stain of a conviction for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice on his record, it might have been assumed that his previous clients in the press would resolve to steer clear of him when he was released in 2004. And so they did – apart from the NOTW. Rees began providing information to the title again in 2005 under the editorship of Andy Coulson. The relationship ceased in April 2008 when Rees was charged with Mr Morgan's murder.

But despite the desire of the Yard to send a message that any involvement of journalists with police corruption would not be tolerated, no reporter who dealt with Rees has been arrested or charged. Following Operation Nigeria, the CPS decided there was no evidence that journalists knew the private investigator's information was obtained illegally.

In March this year, Rees was acquitted of the gruesome killing of Mr Morgan, who was found in a pub car park with an axe embedded in his head. The murder remains unsolved.


Crooked cops linked to Daniel Morgans murder.

A WELSH private detective was murdered because he was about to expose crooked cops involved in a conspiracy to flood Britain with cocaine, police have told Wales on Sunday.

The Scotland Yard revelation means that for the first time in their 19-year inquiry, officers have uncovered a motive for the killing.

The butchered body of Daniel Morgan - who was brought up in Llanfrechfa, Gwent, and went to agricultural college in Monmouthshire - was found in the car park of the Golden Lion pub in Sydenham, South London, on March 10, 1987.

Embedded in the 37-year-old's skull was a cheap Chinese-made Diamond brand axe. It was wrapped in masking tape so the killer's fingerprints would not be left behind.

Leading the hunt, Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Cook said: "We believe he was killed because he was about to expose a conspiracy to supply drugs, a criminal conspiracy involving a large amount of drugs.

"We think it was cocaine. We know that it was potentially a large scale drug distribution network that he was going to expose and he was killed because of that.

"We believe there was a link to police corruption. Mr Morgan's death was the obvious way to reduce the risk of it being exposed.

"In the past we never really had a motive. Every day brings us new information. We have a number of suspects.

"But I am going to take my time and get this done properly.

"The people who have done this know they are responsible because they were there, and they know I know who they are."

In October, Mr Morgan's classic 1950s open top Austin Healey sports car was found in a London lock-up. And in August two men were arrested in connection with the case. A third was arrested in September. The men, who have not been charged, were released on police bail.

A number of witnesses have come forward with new evidence since a televised appeal on the BBC's Crimewatch programme last month.

The new development has been welcomed by Mr Morgan's family, who have always claimed he was murdered after discovering evidence of police corruption.

Mr Morgan's 78-year-old mum Isobel Hulsmann, who lives in Hay-on-Wye, has travelled back and forth to London hundreds of times in her bid to see justice done, despite suffering a heart condition.

She said: "I am very keen to get this tied up, I think it's time. I so badly want closure on this. It has been devastating. Sometimes I feel as though it happened yesterday, because there has never been any resolution to it.

"This investigation team is doing its very best. I'm hoping charges are brought and there will be a trial.
Mr Morgan's brother, Alastair, who lives in Islington, North London, added: "All I'm waiting for is for people to be charged, for the police to get sufficient evidence and charge people with his murder. We are optimistic, we have to be."

Brecon and Radnorshire MP Roger Williams, who has campaigned with the family, said: "The more public this matter is, the more likely a conviction.
"I have real admiration for Daniel Morgan's mother and brother who have not let the case slip even though they have been very badly served in the past by the police.

"I am pleased that Det Chief Supt Dave Cook is now leading the hunt. He is a man of great energy and entirely untouched by the corruption that was endemic in the Metropolitan Police force at the time of the murder.

"The exposure of a new motive for the murder involving drug supply and police corruption will bring many new leads. It is quite clear that the criminal fraternity are breaking ranks and bringing new information to the police and I'm sure that we are now better placed to gain a conviction."

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Phone hacking and the dark arts of Johnathon Rees

The collapse of a high-profile murder trial over evidential questions poses uncomfortable questions for the police. But the case is of much wider significance, since it poses equally difficult questions for the prime minister, for his former press secretary, Andy Coulson, and for all those at News International who have stuck to their claim that no one in the company – bar one rotten apple – had any knowledge of illegal behaviour by, or on behalf of, its journalists.

Jonathan Rees, who was yesterday cleared of murdering his former business partner, Daniel Morgan, is a private investigator of a particularly unpleasant and vindicative kind. In the late 1990s he was working for the News of the World, paid as much as £150,000 a year to use his dark arts to illegally trawl for personal information on the paper's targets. The work, which included bribing police officers, came to the attention of Scotland Yard's anti-corruption team, who bugged his office for six months. In December 2000 his newspaper work – which included work for the Mirror Group – came to a sudden and enforced halt when he was jailed for seven years after being caught planting cocaine on a woman. The aim was to discredit her prior to divorce hearings

Daniel Morgan axe murder case : Timeline...

Daniel Morgan court case
The family of Daniel Morgan leave the Old Bailey after three men are acquitted of charges over the 1987 murder of a private investigator who was found with an axe embedded in his head in a pub car park. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA

Power, Corruption and Lies !

The scandal at News International took a local turn yesterday with the arrest at Lewisham Police Station of Andy Coulson, ex-News of the World editor, ex-Director of Communications for the Government and personal friend of the Prime Minister.

Actually the local angle goes a lot deeper, and perhaps a lot murkier. Coulson lives in Forest Hill near to the Horniman museum. Just over a mile away is the Golden Lion pub in Sydenham Road, SE26. In March 1987, a man was found murdered in the car park. Daniel Morgan, aged 37, was found with an axe in his head. Morgan (pictured below with his children) was a private investigator who lived in Warminster Road, Norwood. He ran a company called Southern Investigations with an office in Thornton Heath High Street, along with his business partner Jonathan Rees. I suspect we're going to be hearing a lot about the latter over the next few weeks.

There have been several police investigations into the murder, the most recent one of which collapsed in pre-trial hearings in March 2011. The police have however officially acknowledged, at a Metropolitan Police Authority meeting in March, that 'police corruption was a debilitating factor' in the first investigation into Daniel’s murder. That investigation was run from Catford police station. According to the Guardian, one of the Catford officers assigned to the case was Detective Sergeant Sid Fillery. He failed 'to tell his bosses he moonlighted for Southern Investigations', and indeed after leaving the force he later took Morgan's place in the company. more